Case Study


DrupalJSCSSREST APIjQueryDigitalOcean
Team5 FTE
Year Launched2021

Development of advanced and user-friendly website to increase brand awareness


BizClik wanted to increase its brand awareness. However, its website wasn’t suitable for this: it was a simple business card-like site without much to offer. The team understood that to reach a wider audience, they needed a more advanced and user-friendly solution. Hence, they were looking for experienced software developers who could develop the site with their requirements in mind.


At some point, BizClik discovered AnyforSoft and chose us as its development partner.


The team asked us to develop a site according to their pre-made design template. The website had to be of high quality in terms of performance, SEO, and accessibility while providing a seamless user experience. That was our first major challenge.


However, once the website had been developed and handed over to the BizClik team, additional work arose.


Due to certain mistakes in the design mentioned above template, the website encountered serious performance errors. Also, the provided SSL certificates didn’t work properly after release, which required our immediate attention. Last but not least, BizClik needed to migrate the content from the old site to the new one (which was an additional scope of work).


So in total, we dealt with the following challenges:


  • Develop a new website based on the pre-made template provided by BizClik.
  • Migrate the content from the old website to the new one.
  • Fix issues with SSL certificates.
  • Fix performance errors caused by design mistakes.

Creating a new website and providing ongoing maintenance


As agreed, we developed a brand-new website based on the provided design template. Our team used Drupal 9 as the CMS for the website and built it with CSS and JavaScript (jQuery). Additionally, we used REST API to integrate the site with news aggregators.


To optimize it for search engines, we used various Drupal SEO modules along with manual SEO strategies. We optimized the website’s performance, managing to achieve the highest (green) score in Lighthouse for all the metrics.


Once we finished the development and handed the website over to the BizClik team, they encountered performance-related errors. After the site was filled with content, its performance slowed down significantly, damaging the user experience.


Our team investigated the issue and quickly found the culprit. As the website was (and still is) motion design-driven, it had plenty of animations. The problem was that the team used heavy GIF files (each file was from 20 to 40 megabytes in size), which slowed down the website significantly. We converted the GIFs into videos, and the problem was resolved.


We also fixed SSL certificates after release, ensuring a secure connection. In addition to that, we successfully migrated the content from the old website to the new one and made it compatible with the new environment.


AnyforSoft still provides maintenance and support for BizClik’s website. It includes:


  • Regular updates of Drupal CMS and Drupal core to the latest version.
  • Development of new features upon the client’s request.
  • Finding and fixing bugs and technical errors on the website.
  • Introducing improvements to the website’s functionality, and so on.


We will continue improving the site’s functionality and performance by providing timely and high-quality maintenance and support measures.

AnyforSoft delivered dozens of similar projects. Let us help you to fulfill your idea!



To improve the site’s accessibility and make it convenient, our developers implemented various functions.

API integration

API integration: we integrated the website with news aggregators through REST API

Motion design

Motion design: resource-intensive GIFs were replaced with videos to ensure fast loading times while providing a great visual experience

Search bar

Search bar: we implemented a search bar to help visitors find the content they’re interested in faster

SEO configurations

Fundamental SEO configurations: such as robots.txt, meta tags, sitemap, aliases, and redirects were implemented to make the site SEO-friendly

Intuitive navigation

Intuitive navigation: we created straightforward navigation, allowing visitors to explore the website without issues


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