Kharkiv2day is one of the biggest online news portals dedicated to bringing the latest updates to the Kharkiv region.
Website traffic
More time visitors spend on a website
The Challenge
Up-to-date design and user-friendly interface are crucial for each web-platform, especially if talking about News-portal, as you want your user to stay as long as possible.
Kharkiv2day asked us to redesign their web-platform and make users’ experience more comfortable so they can smoothly glide through thousands of articles.
Our team fulfilled a migration from WordPress to Drupal 8 and integrated Thunder CMS to make the life of editors easier. Along with stakeholders they can know experience handy-content management with such features:
- Publishing schedule for the content;
- Mobile-friendly software which has responsive frontend and backend themes;
- Dynamic content with movable paragraphs, video, and social media cards;
- Preview mode, allowing you to get the idea of your article’s outlook;
- Easier media handling when uploading photos or videos to an article, requiring less preparation;
- Possibility to create a strategic plan for a web media;
- Possibility to develop their own design from scratch;
- Integration with Facebook and Google AMP;
- Extended publishing community which supports contribution and sharing between the members
AnyforSoft delivered dozens of similar projects. Let us help you to fulfill your idea!
Website is now much more secure thanks to the latest Drupal installation and owners can rely on its stability and resiliency. Multimedia capabilities are now much more diverse and users can interact with the platform by using social media integration.