
8 min

Future of Education Technology: 6 Key Edtech Trends

Technology has changed many aspects of our lives, and education is no exception. Thanks to tech innovations, both learners and tutors today enjoy a myriad of benefits. EdTech tools make education more accessible and inclusive, allowing anyone to study from any place in the world at any convenient moment. They increase learning effectiveness and student engagement by means of personalized learning strategies, gamification, and other instruments. They let one analyze learner performance in detail, providing access to advanced analytics and report data. The benefits here are endless. And that’s not just empty words—all said above is proven by research. According to recent studies, the incorporation of educational technology in classrooms leads to serious improvements in student engagement and performance. A report by the National Training and Simulation Association (NTSA) reveals that students using technology in education score 20% higher on tests than those who don’t. And you know what is the best part? We’re just at the beginning of technological innovation. If technology continues to advance at such rapid speed, the educational world will be an even better place some 10 years from now. Speaking of innovation, have you ever wondered what the future of education technology will be like? If so, this article is for you. As a company that specializes in education software development solutions, AnyforSoft would like to speculate about the EdTech future and discuss the six prominent trends that will likely shape the industry in 2024 and beyond. So without further ado, let’s get started! EdTech Trends 2024: What The Future of Educational Technology Has In Store We believe the following trends will be prominent in the EdTech industry in 2024 and beyond: Virtual reality and augmented reality; Cohort learning; Personalized learning; Gamification; Massive Open Online Courses; Interactive learning tools. Let us explain why. #1 Virtual reality and augmented reality Virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) are not only about entertainment. In recent years, these technologies have been breaking into the educational sector as well. We believe that in 2024 and beyond, VR and AR technologies will have an even greater impact on education, redefining the way students learn and engage with educational content. Let’s discuss how these technologies benefit the education process. VR creates simulated environments that transport students to virtual worlds, providing hands-on experiences that are impossible in a traditional classroom. Research from the Journal of Science Education and Technology shows that students who study in VR environments demonstrate improved retention rates and easily learn complex concepts. AR, on the other hand, overlays digital information onto the real world (in other words, it augments our reality, hence the name), enhancing the educational experience. It enables students to interact with 3D models and visualize various objects, improving comprehension and retention. Take anatomy, for example. When looking at a flat image of, say, a human organ, it’s quite challenging to grasp its true size and form and analyze it from different angles. With an AR 3D model, however, students can rotate the object on their mobile devices, look at it from different angles, clearly understand its shape, and much more. VR and AR already provide us with so much value, so it’s safe to say they will definitely impact the future of EdTech. The integration of these immersive technologies into the education sector will not only create a dynamic learning environment but will also prepare students for a technological future that we will all soon be in. #2 Cohort learning Cohort learning is another trend that will shape the future of education and technology. Cohort-based learning is a teaching and learning model in which students achieve learning goals together. It puts interaction and communication at the forefront, promoting the exchange of creative ideas and collective problem-solving. According to the Canadian Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, this collaborative learning model has a positive impact on student engagement and retention. The sense of community and shared experiences create a supportive learning environment, contributing to student development. At this point, you may ask us: This article is about the future of education technology; so why the heck are you talking about cohort learning? Well, cohort learning is not limited to physical classrooms in educational institutions. Online learning programs also embrace this model. You see, online education is asynchronous by nature; in other words, it is self-paced. Cohort-based courses offer an alternative—they offer synchronous collaborative activities, creating a blended learning approach that combines flexibility with interpersonal connections. In this case, students feel that they’re not alone in their education journeys, which helps them cope with challenges. Naturally, a cohort-based course is a great option for extroverts, unlike self-paced learning. Looking at the future of EdTech, we believe cohort learning will continue to evolve, leveraging technological advancements for even better collaborative learning experiences. VR platforms and online collaboration tools will play a prominent role in creating immersive and inclusive cohort learning experiences, eliminating geographical restrictions. #3 Personalized learning Speaking about the future of technology in education, we can’t fail to mention personalized learning. Personalized learning is an educational approach that aims to customize learning for each student's strengths, needs, skills, and interests. In other words, its goal is to provide each learner with a personalized experience, increasing their engagement and retention. We think that in 2024 and beyond, this trend will get even more prominence, redefining one-size-fits-all approaches. Obviously, it is hard to personalize education in traditional learning settings. Imagine a classroom with students and a professor. The professor physically can’t pay attention to each student and make sure they understand what he or she is teaching. When it comes to traditional settings, you pretty much can’t avoid the one-size-fits-all approach. With digital learning, however, the case is completely different. Modern learning management systems and learning platforms have long been leveraging artificial intelligence, allowing for personalized experiences. AI algorithms analyze each learner’s learning habits, preferences, skills, interests, and other parameters to tailor educational content to their specific needs. This approach fosters student autonomy and motivation, allowing learners to explore topics at their own pace and in ways that align with their interests. This transforms education from a boring and tiresome activity into an engaging and fulfilling journey. Since AI algorithms get smarter every day, we can expect that personalized learning will continue to evolve. In the future, artificial intelligence will learn to analyze students’ preferences and needs even more accurately, which will help create effective personalized education experiences.
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