AI in EdTech: Use Cases and Benefits

Last updated on October 21, 20248 min
Iryna Maksymova
Content Writer
Mary Novak
EdTech Digitalisation Expert

Nowadays, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is everywhere and education is no exception. Over the last few years, EdTech has started to use AI to develop tools that make learning more interactive and help teachers manage their workload better. With AI, lessons can be tailored to individual learning styles, admin can be streamlined and real-time feedback becomes much easier – making education more effective and fun for everyone involved.

For example, according to McKinsey, AI can reduce teachers' admin tasks by 20-40% so they can spend more time with students. Meanwhile, platforms like Khan Academy and Coursera already use AI-based tutoring systems that adjust to students' learning speed, offering personalized support to millions of users worldwide. AI-powered chatbots and virtual tutors also support teachers and keep students engaged in ways we couldn’t have imagined a few years ago.

In fact, the global market for AI in education is growing fast with experts predicting a 45% annual growth rate through 2027. So we’re on the cusp of a big change in how we learn and teach. In this article we’ll look at some of the most interesting AI use cases and benefits in EdTech and how this is happening in the classroom today.

How is AI Used in EdTech?

Before we go any further, let's look at some more numbers – they speak quite convincingly. The global AI in education market in 2022 was valued at around $4 billion and is projected to grow by more than 10% each year until 2032. What is driving this undoubtedly impressive surge, you may ask? As a reputable education soft dev company, we know what to answer: the growing demand for personalized learning and the recognition that AI can meet the diverse needs of today's learners. In fact, you may not even realize that you use AI tools every day. AI is already being integrated into educational technologies in many ways, affecting various aspects of the educational process. Virtual assistants and university chatbots, intelligent tutoring systems, AI tools for automated grading, and much more. Let’s talk about it further.


Personalized learning 

One of the most exciting uses of AI EdTech is its ability to personalize learning. AI systems analyze each student’s progress, learning preferences, and challenges to create custom learning paths (adapting the content and format to his unique needs). This kind of tailored approach helps students engage with the material more effectively and retain information better. For instance, platforms like DreamBox and Century Tech use AI to adapt lessons in real time based on each student’s unique interactions.

Intelligent tutoring systems

AI-powered tutoring systems simulate the experience of having a personal tutor by providing instant feedback and guidance to learners. Using natural language processing (NLP), these systems can interact with students, answer questions, and explain complex concepts in a clear and personalized way. The ability to offer support outside of classroom hours is an especially great thing for students who need extra help.

Automated grading and feedback

Grading assignments and exams is a huge time-consuming task for teachers. AI tools like Gradescope can automate the grading and assessment of student work whether it’s multiple-choice questions, essays, or even programming assignments. By reducing the grading workload teachers can spend more time with their students. AI can also provide personalized feedback on student work, highlighting areas for improvement and suggesting solutions. A fast feedback loop can accelerate learning significantly.

Virtual assistants and chatbots

AI-powered virtual assistants can handle administrative tasks, such as answering frequently asked questions, sending reminders, scheduling meetings, managing coursework submissions, or helping to manage student data. 

Tools like IBM's Watson and chatbots are being integrated into learning management systems (LMS) to improve communication and admin. On the other hand, AI chatbots such as Ivy. provide students with info on financial aid, tuition, and other relevant stuff. These virtual assistants can be available 24/7, so students and educators always have access to the help they need. 

Smart content creation and recommendation

For educators, AI tools can help create learning materials like quizzes, study guides, and even textbooks, tailoring content to specific learning objectives. This not only saves them time but also ensures that the content is up-to-date and relevant. AI-driven content creation can also develop interactive simulations and virtual labs, providing students with engaging and immersive learning experiences.

In turn, AI-powered content recommendation systems can suggest relevant learning materials and resources based on a student's interests, preferences, and performance.

Adaptive assessments

Standard tests can often be incongruous with the different learning styles of students. AI in EdTech can also produce easy to difficult questions that depend on the student’s performance within the assessment. This way avoids cases where the learner is given very tough questions that he fails to answer correctly, or vice versa, too easy questions that the learner answers correctly without much effort. 


Gamification learning methods are no longer a novelty. However, AI EdTech systems have scaled this opportunity to the next level, offering something that once seemed outlandish. Creating an engaging and interactive learning experience through gamification helps to increase learner motivation, improve retention, and make learning more enjoyable. 

Benefits of AI in Education

Reading about how AI is currently being used in EdTech, you can clearly see the benefits it provides for both students and educators. Now, let’s examine the main ones more closely. 

  • Data-driven insights

One of AI’s major advantages of AI EdTech is its ability to process and analyze vast amounts of data. For educators and institutions, this means getting insights into student performance and engagement to make changes and improvements to lesson plans and course materials. By identifying learning gaps and trends, AI helps teachers tailor their approach to meet students’ needs more effectively.

  • Enhanced teacher productivity and efficiency

As we mentioned above, artificial intelligence is a great assistant in automating processes. By automating tasks like grading and content creation, AI frees up educators' time, allowing them to focus on lesson planning, student mentoring, and individualized instruction. With the development of generative AI in EdTech, the efficiency of teachers can be increased even more by using those systems to help develop a curriculum and individual learning plan. In the future, we may find out how useful and effective this has been in improving the quality of teaching and the relationship between students and teachers.

  • Improved student outcomes

One thing that most agree on is the fact that graduates have more success when they receive personalized support. Artificial Intelligence helps students understand complex concepts and absorb knowledge which leads to effective learning.

  • Greeter accessibility

AI-based tools would remove learning barriers, especially for disabled students. For instance, AI systems can convert text to speech, provide captions for video content, and translate materials into various languages. This inclusivity helps ensure that all students have equal access to quality education, regardless of any physical or learning challenges they may face.

  • Continuous feedback for students

AI systems provide instant feedback, helping students understand their mistakes and learn from them in real time. This ongoing feedback loop boosts learning by allowing students to track their progress and see where they need improvement. It’s a powerful way to foster a growth mindset in learners.

  • Scalable education solutions

One of the most promising aspects of AI in EdTech is its scalability. AI-driven platforms are able to deliver customized education to massive numbers of learners at once around the world. This democratization of education is especially helpful for certain regions that suffer from a lack of schooling and education accessibility.

  • Increased engagement and motivation

Interactive learning experiences and gamified learning platforms powered by AI make the learning process more interesting and fun, motivating students to actively participate in their education.

  • Cost-effectiveness

Finally, AI-driven solutions can reduce costs associated with traditional educational methods, particularly in remote or distance learning settings.



Edtech Use Cases: Real-World Examples

Above, we have already referred to several case studies of how top AI EdTech companies are leveraging this technology to create innovative solutions. Next, we’ll provide a few more examples of EdTech AI projects that will certainly be of interest to you.


Duolingo: AI for language learning

Probably everyone reading this article has heard of (let alone used) Duolingo at least once in their lives. This popular language-learning app is known for offering personalized lessons based on users’ progress and language proficiency. It adapts the level of difficulty according to the learner's responses. Besides, the implemented AI allows to make the learning process easier and more interesting with the help of gamification and feedback. 

Squirrel AI: Adaptive learning in China

Squirrel AI, a known EdTechAI company from China, uses technology to provide an adaptive learning experience for K-12 students. An AI-based platform that adjusts content to meet each student's own learning needs, abilities, and collaborative work, in order to assure better learning outcomes.

Coursera and Udemy: AI for online learning

Coursera, a leading online platform for learning, suggests new courses based on a user's skills, interests, and learning patterns. The platform's AI algorithms also assess the learning progress of students during courses and provide personalized feedback that is used to enhance the efficiency rate of course completion.

Udemy works similarly: analyzing user behavior and providing relevant learning materials and resources suggested for a student based on their interests and learning preferences.

Brainly: AI-powered homework assistance

Brainly, the popular EdTech platform, leverages AI to assist students with their homework. This AI system helps answer questions in real time and guides students through even the most complex problem-solving processes.

Knewton: Adaptive learning platform

Knewton Alta is an AI-driven adaptive learning platform, that customizes educational content to match each student's unique learning style and pace. Its AI engine continuously learns from the student’s progress, therefore providing highly accurate recommendations for future lessons that warrant study.

You may also hear of Carnegie Learning, which can also personalize the learning experience for each student by modifying the content and pacing according to their needs and performance.

Gradescope: AI-enabled assessment and feedback

Gradescope – an AI-based assessment and feedback tool that can automate the grading process and provide timely, detailed feedback to students.

Khan Academy and Quizlet: Help for educators

Khan Academy and Quizlet can be good examples of how AI can be utilized in Edtech for the purpose of teachers: the former uses AI for math and science practice exercises, while the latter enables you to generate personalized study sets and practice quizzes. 

And this is not all that indicates to us that the future of educational technology is exciting. AI EdTech startups are also coming within the ambit of developing promising VR education and AI tutoring solutions. 

Trends of AI in Education

It's not new to talk about how AI can change (and is already changing) our future. But what about AI in education? Read on to find out.

  • AI-powered learning analytics

As AI gets smarter learning analytics will be huge in education. AI will track student progress and predict performance so educators can intervene early and support.

  • AI and AR/VR integration

AI with augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) is another big one. AI-powered AR/VR tools can create immersive learning environments where students can explore complex concepts like historical events, and scientific experiments in a more fun and interactive way. They can even travel to other planets right from the classroom! How can this not be intriguing?

  • AI-driven lifelong learning

With continuous education and upskilling on the rise, AI will be at the center of lifelong learning. AI systems can assess professionals' skills and recommend personalized learning paths to help them stay competitive in fast-changing industries.

  • AI for soft skills development

Who would have thought AI is good at teaching soft skills like good communication and problem-solving, multitasking, and stress tolerance?

  • Ethical considerations and responsible AI implementation

As AI becomes more prominent in education we need to address ethical considerations like data privacy, bias in algorithms, and job displacement. AI in education trends highlights the importance of responsible AI implementation so these technologies are used to enhance learning and equity.

  • The rise of adaptive learning platforms

Adaptive learning platforms are getting smarter using AI to deliver super personalized learning experiences. These platforms can change content difficulty, provide targeted feedback, and even suggest new learning paths based on student performance.

  • The growth of AI-powered tutoring

AI-powered tutoring systems are getting more affordable and accessible, students get personalized support and guidance. These systems can adapt to individual learning styles, and provide customized instruction and feedback. The hype around AI in EdTech is driving investment and innovation in this space.



It is evident that the integration of AI in education technology has already revolutionized modern approaches to underpinning global education, offering new possibilities for personalizing learning, advancing student engagement and teacher productivity, and improving learning outcomes. Moreover, such an approach has also made education accessible to all and sundry. Certainly, there are challenges, but the scale of the benefits of AI to education holds enormous promise for creating a more equitable, effective, engaging, and inclusive learning experience for learners and educators alike.

As AI capabilities continue to grow, as does the number of EdTech AI startups, we can expect to see even more innovative and transformative solutions emerge in the coming years that promise to reshape the future of learning.

Interested in EdTech app development? Read our article to find out more - we've described all the ins and outs in detail to help you understand this technological “kitchen”.

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